Saturday, August 06, 2005


London has finally taken tougher steps against terrorism, with steps such as deporting them, holding them without trial longer, and such.


What took them so long? Must countries be shaken by blasts, before they start doing something? With attacks such as 9/11 and those in South-East Asia (Bali, Indonesia...), one would have thought such measures were in place.

Heck, I thought they were in place a long time ago. I only found out that it isn't today.

National Security is an issue that should not be taken lightly. It concerns everyone, even the politicans (if everyone is dead, who's there to vote for you? LoL). We are talking about lifes of people here man, not some rag tag trash. Hence, I would have thought that such hard line measures have been in place a long time ago.

Of course, some would have said that it's against basic human rights to place such laws. I mean, everyone has their own freedom, and should not be detained without trial, and is allowed to go anywhere they wish.

However, what if it concerns the life of citizens themselves? Isn't that more important then humans rights of the terrorists? We should be taking out those who endanger us, rather then look out for those who endanger us. Of course, you can simply go about and say "What if that guy is innocent? Remember the shooting incident?". Yes, that case was unnecessary, and absolutely stupid. However, bar shooting and killing someone, it's better safe then be sorry. I mean, how long can a person be held without trial? 48 hours? 72 hours? If, by that time, the police can't find scrap, then the person is considered safe, right? I mean, he must have done something to make the police suspect that he's a terrorist.

So, no. Terrorists are people who should have their basic human rights voided. After all, they are killing others. It isn't as though they are killing soldiers or whatever (that is bad enough), but they are killing innocent people. People who just want to get on with their own life, people who might go on and have a great future. Thanks to these morons, their life is cut short, and people cry because of that.

Also, since we are on the subject, I've always wondered why the Terrorists kill themselves. Yes, sacrifice yourself to kill a hundred. However, people don't kill themselves for fun. Humans are selfish by nature, and they do something in order for themselves to gain something. While some believe that there are plenty of virgins to mess around with in heaven (Shows the level of intelligence right there. What's next? PS3 and XBox Revolution is up there too, with every single game?), there are those who believe that by killing themselves, they get to sit at God's dinner table.

Which leads me to this point: Does kami-sama want his children, basically us, to die? Doesn't he want us all to be, well, saved? Do some cool things on earth, then go back to his home land or something like that? Does the creator forsake his own children, giving permission to others to kill others? Unless God believes in the law of the jungle (Survival of the fittest), I doubt it. While I am not trying to preach, or trying to diss any religion here, I've always believed in god, but I do get annoyed by those "JOIN US NOW AND B SAVED!" posters. I mean, c'mon, will a parent forsake his child to doom? Sure sure, he tosses us into the pits of hell because we don't believe in him. However, isn't he still destroying his own creation? His own children?

Personally, I believe that there's a god, but I just don't know which one. She's basically scaring me with all the words such as "Thank god for Jesus, or I would not have been able to cope". I just wanted to shout "It's yourself! YOURSELF! YOU are surviving! Yes, god is there to help, but this is a product of what YOU'VE DONE!" Yes, religion can give us solace, but sometimes, people have this illusion that religion was there to save them, when it's just themselves who has survived so far. Yeah, sure, talking to god is much better. However, what about talking to a mirror instead? You are still talking, but what you think you are talking to isn't god, but a mirror instead.

So, our mentality is what differentiates one thing from another. However, since people are more comfortable with talking to god instead, I won't blame them. It's their choice, not mine. They can do things which they feel comfortable, and I'll do mine. Mine is trying to stand on my own two feet, and taking credit for it (Long live my level 67 ego).

However, the problem with using god as an excuse for your actions/survival is the main problem with terrorists here. They believe what they are doing is right, since they get rid of us infidels who do not believe in their god. I won't go into saying which god is the real deal, but that's just...stupid. I don't mind, things such as "God bless you" or things like that, but using god to defend your stupidity is another thing. Why do terrorists need to use god to defend their actions? Of course, there are those who go "We are killing ourselves because of the infidels in Iraq, defiling our holy land" or something like that. However, many more say use god to say what they are doing is right. If, what they are doing is right, then why do they need to defend it? If you do something that's right, then there's no need to defend it. Defending it only means that you have some guilt in your head. Deep down inside, you know it's wrong, but you still do it, since you are leaning on that defender of yours.

So, perhaps Terrorists know what they are doing is wrong?

If so, why do they still do it? Strip away their "excuse" at suiciding, and maybe they will, finally, realise that what they are doing, is wrong.

And oh, if she isn't the one I've taken liking to, I might have just screamed that at her. She's definately scaring me....>___<.


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